OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Illinois Automobile Dealers Association

Pub. # 2024 Issue #

The 5 Cs of Attractive Leadership

Of all the leaders you have encountered, who has been the best? Now, who was the worst? Which one was easier to remember? There are a plethora of bad managers and leaders but very few great ones.

Often when the topic of leadership arises, we discuss aspects like vision, mission, values and accountability. All these topics are important and essential to the discussion, as they form the backbone of effective leadership. However, the more important topic of discussion might be: Why do people follow someone’s ideas on vision, mission, values and accountability? What qualities make a person worth following?

Over the past 30-plus years, I have been a student of human behavior. I am intrigued by things like why certain people excel and why others do not; why certain people lead and why certain people always follow; why we follow certain leaders and not others; and why some leaders have good intentions but fail. There must be some answers to these questions.

So, what is it that makes a leader followable or attractive? Five essential components define attractive leaders — those exceptional individuals whom people are naturally inclined to believe in or follow, particularly concerning vision, mission, values and accountability. I call these The 5 Cs of Attractive Leadership: Charisma, Competence, Character, Communication and Compassion.

  1. Charisma
    Charisma is the first and glaring component of attractive leadership. Great leaders have that certain awe, presence or confidence that stands out. They do not have to announce their entrance or position. People are drawn to them and feel confident in their ability to do what they say they can do. They are exciting, confident, enthusiastic, focused and motivated to succeed. Their ability to connect everyone around them to a greater purpose beyond individual interests is one of their most significant attributes.
  2. Competence
    Being competent within your field of endeavor is a major point of separation in a great leader. J.C. Penny once said, “A man should know their business better than anyone else.” A competent leader knows how to ask and answer the right questions. They can anticipate challenges in their business and take preemptive measures to prevent them. Competent leaders understand their team members and know how to bring the best out of them.
  3. Character
    A person’s character is easily demonstrated by how they treat people they do not necessarily rely on or need. Character is one’s core belief system revealed. An attractive leader is one you want to follow because of their influence and moral compass. Character alone can either solidify attractiveness or ruin attractiveness. In an attractive leader, there exists a seamless alignment between their words and actions.
  4. Communication
    One of the most compelling traits of great communicators is their incredible ability to listen first. An attractive leader who is also a great communicator listens for more than just a message, problem or communication point. They listen to messages that are not spoken. They recognize, understand and communicate to one’s unique personality traits. They easily explain expectations and desired behaviors in a way that is understood and respected.
  5. Compassion
    Great leaders care. The question arises: Why would individuals choose to follow someone who lacks genuine care for their well-being and their success? The answer might be found in the concept of fear. There are three primary ways to motivate: fear, incentive and purpose. However, great leaders motivate through purpose, recognizing its enduring impact. Purpose-driven motivation is the most long-lasting motivator because it focuses on the individual, their ideas, desires and contributions to the company or cause.

Are You a Leader Worth Following?

Great leadership is rare because it revolves around prioritizing the needs, development and success of others over personal gain or recognition. It requires a clear vision, a compelling mission, unwavering adherence to values and a steadfast commitment to accountability.

It is important to consider how we lead and how it affects others. Do we inspire trust and help others grow, or do we struggle to give direction and support? Do we exhibit The 5 Cs of Attractive Leadership? We all have a list of the best and worst leaders we have encountered. To what list do you belong?

For more information on how Ethos Group can help your dealership develop more leaders in your F&I office, sales management tower and sales floor in 2024, please visit

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