OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Illinois Automobile Dealers Association

Pub. 12 2022 Directory

2022 Executive Director’s Message

On behalf of the IADA Board of Directors and Staff, I am pleased to present to you the 2022 IADA Membership Directory on this, the 102nd anniversary of your Association.

Inside is valuable information, including dealership and associate member listings, staff listings, IADA Board and Committee assignments and government contacts, as well as the most updated version of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Franchise Act. Although we inquire several times throughout the year, please review your specific listing and let us know if you have any updates to your dealership information. You may also visit our website and update your dealership information online.

With the challenging economic times confronting Illinois dealers this year, IADA will aggressively work to manage legislative and regulatory affairs to minimize the negative impact on our members.

I would like to thank the many dealers who contribute to the IADA CAR of Illinois Political Action Fund and participate in the legislative process through their grassroots lobbying efforts. I encourage all dealers to participate in these efforts, as it keeps IADA strong and enables us to be an effective advocate on behalf of dealers at the capitol in Springfield.

As always, the staff of your association remains committed to your success. Together we are a powerful voice in Illinois. And together, we can successfully weather all challenges that lay before us. Lastly, please remember our good friends who advertise in the Yearbook make this publication possible. We encourage you to patronize them.

With best regards,
Joe McMahon
IADA Executive Director