Pub. 9 2019 Issue 2

5 Illinois Automobile Dealers Association 300 West Edwards Street Springfield, Illinois 62704 T 217.753.0220 F 217.753.3424 CONTENTS Vol. 27 No. 2 ©2019 ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS is published four times eachyearbyThenewsLINKGroup,LLC for the IllinoisAutomobileDealersAssociation (IADA)and is theofficialpublication for thisassociation.The informationcontained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in thispublicationare thoseof the individualauthorsanddonotnecessarily represent theviewsof the ILLINOISAUTOMOBILEDEALERNEWS (IADA), itsboard of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publicationdoesnotconstituteanendorsementor recommendationofanyproductor serviceadvertised.The ILLINOISAUTOMOBILEDEALERNEWS isacollectivework andassuchsomearticlesaresubmittedbyauthors thatare independentof the Illinois AutomobileDealerAssociation (IADA).While the ILLINOISAUTOMOBILEDEALER NEWSencouragesafirstprintpolicy, incaseswhere this isnotpossible,everyeffort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at: 855.747.4003. Chairman Mr. Pat Manning / 815.756.6325 Brad Manning Ford 402 Manning Dr., Dekalb, IL 60115 Vice Chairman Mr. Michael Ettleson / 708.579.5000 Ettleson Cadillac-Buick-GMC, Inc. 6201 S. LaGrange Road, Hodgkins, IL 60525-4140 Treasurer Mr. Rick Yemm / 309.344.2727 Yemm Chev-Buick-GMC-Chry-Dodge-Jeep, Inc. 2195 Henderson Street, Galesburg, IL 61401 Secretary Mr. Curtis Pascarella / 815.469.2323 Phillips Chevrolet, Inc. 9700 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, IL 60423 President Peter J. Sander / 217.753.0220 Illinois Automobile Dealers Association 300 W. Edwards, P.O. Box 3045, Springfield, IL 62708 Illinois Automobile Dealers Association 300 West Edwards Street, Springfield, IL 62708 T 217.753.0220 • F 217.753.3424 2019 OFFICERS 6 IADA Chairman’s Message - Sharing the Success of Our Latest State Conference in Marco Island, Florida 8 Counselor’s Corner - Dealership Business Succession: Sustaining the Legacy 12 2019 IADA-CATA Dealer Conference Registration 14 2019 IADA-CATA Dealer Conference 20 How Google Maps May Be Hurting Your Business and 5 Ways to Prevent It 24 The Changing World of Batteries 27 Consultant’s Corner - Choke Point