Pub. 2018 Issue 1
4 AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS ILLINOIS Illinois Automobile Dealers Association 300 West Edwards Street Springfield, Illinois 62704 T 217.753.0220 F 217.753.3424 The ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS ispublished by The newsLINK Group, LLC and is the official publication of the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association. The ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS is published 4 times per year. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS , or itspublisherThenewsLINKGroup,LLC.Any legal adviceshouldberegardedasgeneral information. It isstronglyrecommended that one contact an attorney for counsel regarding specific circumstances. Likewise, theappearanceofadvertisersdoesnotconstituteanendorsement of the products or services featured by The newsLINK Group, LLC. CONTENTS Vol. 26 No. 1 6 IADA President’s Message 8 Counselor’s Corner: Classifying Some Dealership Workers as Employees V. Indepndent Contractors 12 Building a Dynasty: Part 1. Setting High Expectations 14 Military Lending Act 16 2018 IADA CATA Annual Dealer Conference Fairmont Princess – Scottsdale, Arizona 18 Copyright Law and Licensed Software 20 Manufacturers are Embracing the Production of Electric Vehicles 21 Good Manners are Good Business ZURICH INSURANCE. FOR THOSE WHO TRULY LOVE THEIR BUSINESS. PUT ZURICH’S 95 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY TO WORK FOR YOUR DEALERSHIP. Universal Underwriters Service Corporation (UUSC), an individual member company of Zurich in North America, is the issuing provider and administrator of Zurich’s vehicle service contracts in all states except Florida. In California and New York, UUSC operates under its DBA, UUSC Service Company (CA License #0C17302). In Florida, the issuing provider and administrator is Vehicle Dealer Solutions (FL License #60132). Insurance coverages underwritten by individual member companies of Zurich in North America, including Zurich American Insurance Company. © 2017 Zurich American Insurance Company Individualized. Intuitive. Innovative. Our reputation is built on taking a full service approach to doing business. We offer years of experience and a combination of business insurance coverages and F&I products and services designed to help meet the unique needs of your dealership. Call 1-800-840-8842, ext. 7449 automotive
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