Pub. 2018 Issue 1

ReminderTRAX™ Capture more service business with personalized mailings. Bring customers back for recommended services. DON BROWN Advertising Sales 813. 423.1429 DBrown@brighthouse. com WORDS. as a manager by committing to be a resource for them. They have done their part and committed to not only a goal that is certain to drive their daily activities, but also developed a clear roadmap to get there, and have you to guide them. All this together places them comfortably in the top tier of people who sell cars. Now that the goal is set, the proverbial whistle blows & the game is underway. In this game, you are the head coach, and the success of your teamwill be determined by your ability to track their progress, create accountability, and ultimately to do everything in your power to eliminate the barriers to their success. (Not to be confused with excuses.) When it’s over, you either hit the goal, or you put everything you had into trying. Not to say that there can’t be growth or progress in setting a lofty goal and almost getting there, but seriously, play to win. NFL teams that consistently lose by one point, still end up 0-16 if nothing changes, but football analogies are easy. Every teamsets the goal at 16 – 0, and then updates it based on today’s reality. If you lose week one, 16 – 0 is no longer possible, but I think we would all agree that it’s not exactly time to start hoping for a good draft pick. It’s time to adjust our goal, rethink our plan, and get the teamthinking 15-1, first round bye, and championship.  For more information, please contact Francis Fagan with Automotive Development Group at 312-608-4979 or . Francis is the Regional Training Director for Illinois and Indiana. At Automotive Development Group, we put the emphasis on training. Visit our website for our training calendar and to meet our nationally renowned trainers.