Pub. 3 2013 Issue 4

9 T he Illinois Vehicle Code has always required dealers to provide certificates of title to SOS within 20 days after the date of sale, and any violation of this practice could be enforced as a criminal offense with possible penalties of dealer license forfeiture. The new revision changes the offense from a criminal penalty to an administrative citation; however, SOS will begin issuing delinquent fees for late paperwork. Public Act 98-177 makes the following changes to Section 3-113 of the Vehicle Code: Allows the Secretary of State to impose a delinquent ve- hicle dealer transfer fee on vehicle dealers if the certificate of title is received by the Secretary from the dealer 30 days or more after the date of sale. The amount of the fee is $20 if received 30 days but less than 60 days after the sale, $35 if received 60 days but less than 90 days after the sale, $65 if re- ceived 90 days but less than 120 days after the sale, and $100 if received 120 days or more after the sale. Allows a Secretary of State Police investigator to issue administrative citations to new or used vehicle dealers, or any other entity licensed by the Secretary under the Illinois Vehicle Code, for violations of any provision of the Illinois Vehicle Code or violations of any administrative rule adopted by the Secretary under the Illinois Vehicle Code. Effective January 1, 2014. Any SOS delinquent fees will be administered directly from SOS and will apply to all dealers regardless of whether they process title work manually or electronically, or use a 3rd party vendor such as CVR or the state’s PERT program. IADA and CVR are thankful that the issue of delinquent pa- perwork is no longer considered a criminal offense and would like to continue to work with dealers to insure their exposure to administrative fees is limited.  Beginning January 1, 2014, the IL SOS will be making some significant revisions to the enforcement of vehicle registration paper work requirements. New SOS Enforcement of Delinquent Titles The new revision changes the offense from a criminal penalty to an administrative citation; however, SOS will begin issuing delinquent fees for late paperwork.