Pub. 3 2013 Issue 1
The auto dealer’s world is a concrete jungle. Negotiating with customers, competing with the dealer next door – it’s not a business for the faint of heart. And today the Internet has intensified price competition even further, with profit margins getting squeezed to their last breath. Many dealers are left wondering how to survive in such a dog-eat-dog world. ,W·V DOO DERXW À nding the right path At Foresight Services Group, we help dealers do better than survive. It’s not complicated. We offer an F&I product set as large as any in the industry. From vehicle service contracts to gap coverage to credit insurance to lost key replacement, we have it. And if we don’t have it, we can make it: we offer dealers the option of creating their own customized F&I products. What we don’t offer is a staff of high-priced sales and income development trainers and the mark-ups that come along with them. Dealers who work with us know their job, how to sell, and we know ours. We handle claims administration and give our dealer-clients the best possible prices on F&I products. The savings will beat a path straight to the bottom line! Let FSG help your dealership find the path to improved profitability through lower prices on the F&I products your dealership sells. The Path to More Profit Gary Vucekovich, President IRUHVLJKWVHUYLFHVJURXS FRP /HJDF\ 'ULYH 6XLWH 3ODQR 7; &DOO 8V 7RGD\
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