Pub. 10 2020 Issue 2

11 You probably have used cross training for functions like cashier, receptionist or billing out deals. Let’s talk about F&I and why cross- training for this department is particularly appealing. see the big picture. There is no better development step or test for these traits than F&I. Selling to 60 or 75 customers per month in F&I vs 15 or 20 per month in sales gives a person the unique amount of repetition needed to master closing skills. It’s their first chance at leadership and you can see how they respond to the pressure. • Seventh - you are demonstrating a clear career path in your dealership. Do you want to have lower employee turnover? Show people a career path, develop and grow people. Not only will these people be more naturally loyal they will help you develop a culture consistent with your values and how you want things done. Avoiding common pitfalls. There are a fewmajor pitfalls that can be avoided when cross training. Who we select matters! This shouldn’t be a mad experiment - select the person who has earned it and that has the highest likelihood of success and as a real full- time F&I Manager. I’ve seen people selected for this job because they have a degree in finance, because they once sold insurance, because they dress more professional, because they are a family friends kid or because they are a person who will work for the least. Seriously? Choose your future managers - if you start with this in mind, it will best guide your decision. Be clear about expectations. Themore complete you can explain the full scope of the job, the hours the responsibilities the pay and how their performancewill be evaluated the better off everyonewill be. Most of the failures in doing this start in the first 30 minutes. Remember to promote humble, hungry and smart. A short- coming in any of these three areas is a sure-fire recipe for failure. Please know that the smart you are looking for is a common- sense person who can think on their feet. The hungry should be self-explanatory, but I want to make sure that you don’t miss on humble. As a backup being cross trained into a new position it will be imperative that the person have a deep inner confidence and not be an arrogant or brash person. These people won’t make it. Done properly the cross training of a key person into F&I will help you as a leader move your entire dealership forward regardless of what the future has in store.  For more information, please contact Francis Fagan with Automotive Devel- opment Group at 312-608-4979 or . Francis is the Regional Training Director for Illinois and Indiana. At Automotive Development Group we put the emphasis on training. Visit our website for our training calendar and to meet our nationally renowned trainers.