Pub. 1 2011 Issue 1

6 AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS ILLINOIS O n behalf of our IADA Directors and staff, I would like to thank all of our members who have so promptly renewed their 2011 IADA membership. As we look forward to the new two (2) year legislative cycle, with the promise of over 6,000 new pieces of legislation to be introduced, your continued support is greatly appreciated! We know this past year has been challenging for all Dealers to do more with less. We all look forward to the better times ahead! Always know that we are here for you and your Dealer- ship and as close as 1.800.252.8944 or just an email away at . And be sure to visit our new and improved website . The IADA website continues to be a one-stop repository for information, education and a growing list of products and services for our member dealers. Always keep your email address updated with our office and also those of any other employees you wish to receive association information. Please don’t hesitate contacting us with any questions, con- cerns or issues that you might have. Q With every good wish, I am Sincerely, Peter J. Sander, President Thank You BY PETE SANDER IADA PRESIDENT’S Letter Accounting | Assurance | Tax | Consulting | Financial advisory * * Offered through LarsonAllen Financial, LLC, member FINRA & SIPC. Noticeably Different. s -ORE THAN YEARS OF SUCCESS SERVING THE DEALERSHIP INDUSTRY s ,OCAL EXPERTS WITH NATIONAL RESOURCES s )NSIGHT RATHER THAN HINDSIGHT We’ll keep you running strong even in uncertain times. ©2009 LarsonAllen LLP